I almost hurled after reading the same article. Nice post!
Utopian Reformist
JoinedPosts by Utopian Reformist
by TR inthis article is from the 3/1/02 wt, p.14.
(how precious is the truth to you?
) i wonder how they can write and approve these words with a straight face.
by You Know inthe controversy regarding the future is my no means confined to apostate dubs and jehovah's witnesses.
many other than "bible thumpers" can see big trouble looming just around the next bend.
of course they are ridiculed too by those with opposing views.
Utopian Reformist
Here is an article from this morning's AP:
Jobless Claims Drop for Third Week
By LEIGH STROPE, AP Labor WriterWASHINGTON (AP) - New claims for unemployment insurance dropped for the third straight week to the lowest level in almost six months, suggesting a slow economic rebound is finally reaching U.S. workers.
For the work week ending Jan. 19, new claims for jobless benefits fell by a seasonally adjusted 15,000 to 376,000, the Labor Department (news - web sites) reported Thursday.
The week before, new jobless claims dropped 8,000 to 391,000, according to revised figures.
The more stable four-week moving average of claims, which smoothes out week-to-week fluctuations, declined 8,750 to 404,250 - the lowest level since Sept. 1.
To cope with the ailing economy, which toppled into recession in March, companies have cut production, trimmed hours and let workers go. But analysts say recent economic reports have provided some signs that the recession appears to be bottoming out.
Despite the optimistic forecasts, many economists say the nation's unemployment rate will continue to rise in the coming months because companies still will be reluctant to hire back workers. December's unemployment rate jumped to a six-year high of 5.8 percent, and economists expect it to top out at close to 7 percent later this year.
To help jump-start the economy, the Federal Reserve (news - web sites) cut interest rates 11 times in 2001. Many economists think those rate reductions will help the economy recover by the spring.
For the work week ending Jan. 12, the Labor Department said 42 states and territories posted an increase in initial jobless claims and nine had a decrease.
The largest increases were in North Carolina, 38,951; California, 34,040; South Carolina, 33,264; Texas, 9,084 and Michigan, 7,633. California increases were from layoffs in the electronics, machinery and service industries, while South Carolina's were in manufacturing industries. North Carolina officials did not offer an explanation for the layoffs.
The biggest decreases in claims were in New York, 15,929; Wisconsin, 4,458; Iowa, 2,658; Arkansas, 1,774; and Massachusetts, 1,477. Wisconsin reported fewer layoffs in the construction, retail, service and manufacturing industries. New York officials did not offer a reason for the drop.
**************************Now, there are only two reasons for this drop. Either the economy is in fact beginning to rebound, OR once individuals have received their obligatory six-months of unemployment insurance, they are no longer listed with "active" claims. Perhaps, they drop off the "books" so to speak and are no longer counted. This would mean thousands, perhaps even a million or so would drop off the unemployment rolls figures every six months. That would indicate a problem far worse than expected. Once unemployment insurance is exhausted, there aren't any other options than flipping burgers.
Just a hypothesis.
Watching the World
by Abaddon inpot smoking has been possible without police interferance in holland for years.
now with portugal lifting virtually all anti-drugs legislation, belgium joining the dutch in decriminalising cannabis, and britain reducing it from a class b to a class c drug (making it on a par with abusing perscription drugs), the only question is when will the usa give up it wasteful and pointless 'war on drugs'?
get with the program uncle sam, don't be part of the problem which leads to massive criminal activity devoted to supplying substances whose use is a victimless crime!.
Utopian Reformist
If this thread can remain objective, and avoid religious posturing, I would like to inject (no pun intended) my own personal ideas about drugs, drug culture, anti-legislation, and the war on drugs.
First, let's start with drugs. There are natural, synthetic and organic drugs available in a variety forms used in a variety of ways.
I do not believe that ALL drugs are dangerous, just as not ALL pharmaceuticals are beneficial. Our bodies differ from individual to individual, just as our response/reaction to drugs would differ.I also think natural and organic drugs do originate with nature and may have useful purposes other than inducing euphoria and increasing adrenaline in the body. I do not advocate recreational experimentation, unless you're a curious biologist/doctor/bio-chemist performing research for future medical purposes. It is dangerous to take risks with unknown substances.
Now, as a former subscriber of HIGH TIMES magazine, I was once a part of the "culture" and I too had the "vibe" (many users still recognize the "vibe" in me, I guess it's like a radar--pretty funny for an ex-marine, ex-JW and soon to be ex-government employee).
I thought the individuals I associated with back then (freshman - junior year at Pomona College, Claremont, CA) were very intuitive, open, free, unencumbered and very genereous in spirit. It was about the vibe, getting the vibe, carrying on the vibe, etc.
I lived on Malibu Road, off Webb Way, off Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, near the Colony at that time. I lived with two women and it was all good. So, in short the culture was a beneficial experience in my life.
Now, anti-drug legislation. This is a very hot area. There is so much meddling and politics involved in making the legislation, that I think the people (meaning users, victims of crime, families, neighborhoods, etc) who are supposed to benefit from the legislaiton are often left at the bottom of the food chain, behind law enforcement, defense contractors, lobbyists, foreign governments, intelligence agencies, etc..
By the time every hand is "greased" the legislation is either too complicated, too technical, too vague, too biased, too harsh or too ineffective. Because the people's needs are NOT the real goal, it doesn't work. This does't mean I am against making anti-drug laws, it just means I don't approve or agree with the current system.
OK. Now the "War on Drugs". Where do I start? Do I mention foreign governments hoping to get US aid? Do I mention defense and law enforcement contractors benefitting from long-term conflicts? Do I mention corrupt government officials in league with the organized crime families and criminal cartels of many nationalities? Do I mention the poor farmers who have no other economic means, other than produce drug crops, or starve?
The current war is obviously NOT working. I don't know what the answer is right now. Already, the afghani drug lords are moving opium again. It's just a mess.
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
Utopian Reformist
AHAAA! Now you're onto something big! I quote you:
"Evidently, at this late stage of the game, the U.S. Central bank really has no other choice but to keep lowering their interest rates to zero as the last gasp effort to keep the dollar and the markets levitated. They don't have that much more wiggle room though. Any credit tightening at this critical point would probably instantly collapse the markets because of the tremendous leverage used to hold them up. Of course, Japan has had zero rates for sometime now and obviously it has only made their situation worse. So it is definitely going to get interesting."
What keeps ALL potential economic systems/commerical systems alive (especially the US) is "NECESSITY". No matter what global conditions pervail in the end, necessity dictates the creation of goods and services and a system of delivery, trade and distribution. Currency will be replaced before we pass on, and you will see a new beginning, a truly global economy. One unified method of exchange (perhaps the internet?).
I have many links to offer you such as a couple of sources from Germany concerning the "technical future" of the EURO, as a global means, akin to trading in credits/units as opposed to US Dollars. I am leaving downtown Boston now and heading south. I will reconvene with you tommorow.
Also, I figured the photo was from circa WWI. Now it reminds of "ALL Quiet on the Western Front".
These letters will blow your mind!
by Dogpatch inthese letters will blow your mind!.
it's hard to beleive that one or two small-minded men in the service dept.
could be responsible for thousands of medical emergencies going bad or even death.
Utopian Reformist
The letters were long, but well worth the effort. I want to personally (digitally) thank you and Mr. Jensen for sharing the information.
Thanks to both of you for the hard work. I especially enjoyed your post about christian approaches to christianity. Three cheers!
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
Utopian Reformist
Thank you for responding and for further clarifying your personal analysis of the entire ENRON situation. Irregardless of the the deadly perception that LYNDON LAROUCHE, DOUG MCINTOSH and you ascribe to, the hidden answer to the question I posed in your earliest thread today was:
"What keeps America alive?" Now before I answer from one of your own sources, I want you to understand I comprehend your point. Your point is an impending global financial collapse is on the way soon. Each ENRON type scandal, IMF bailout, Argentina & Indonesia crisi and the like are all part of the group of catalysts leading to this collapse.
Am I reasonably correct in my assertion? If so, please click here:
After reading this article, you will understand what keeps America alive, and what prevents global collapse. It is intrinsic and basic to our human nature.
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
Utopian Reformist
If you don't mind a question, who is the individual in your caption photo?
He appears to be "doughboy" of the first world war era, am I correct? I was just curious, that's all.
by You Know inor this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
Utopian Reformist
Perhaps, I could share some of my inside sources with you regarding the ENRON fallout. What you and the public, and the media may not be aware of yet (only temporary for the media) is that resources are being collected together by the government.
These "resources' are judicial and will have many levels of authority, not previously seen in past investigations. There has been disucssion about "recovering and returning" golden parachutes back into escrowed holding accounts to be administered by appointed trustees. After investigations, accountability begins with juducial proceedings and then distributions by petition.
Therefore, all executives may not land safely on their feet and may end up financially with less than the nine lives they expected.
This "idea" for lack of a better term, is being discussed in upper circles in government as a model for future collapses brought on by corruption, fraud, and politics.
I have been very ambiguous in my description for obvious reasons. However, do not take this informaiton lightly. Remember what Pompeii said to the SENATVS POPOLUSQVE ROMANVS:
"Quom custodiare ipsos custodiae?"
Do you think that the WT will ban the Internet?
by gilwarrior ini think that it will happen.
there is so much information about what really goes on.
the hypocrasy, the scandals, the misinformation.
Utopian Reformist
I agree that the WTBS committees will create articles designed to disourage use of the internet. I think the references will be obscure at first, possibly sublime, and then bolder as time goes on.
I also predict they will create various manuscripts for talks following the same pattern, and they will begin delivering them more frequently, than the casual warnings about apostates and the internet usually mentioned at assemblies.
It could be a great place to start collecting such articles and make an apostate "reasoning book" with this subject in the first chapter.
Just an idea.
Kingdom Ministry School for Congregational Elders
by Kent inkingdom ministry school for congregational elders.
for the 2002 service year .
hi folks!.
Utopian Reformist
Once again Kent:
You have outdone yourself and you continue to amaze me! Thank you for your hard work and the effort of your friends! I appreciate the information.